This has got to be one of my favorite days so far! It could be because I have a weird love for glitter, even though I am a clean freak, but that I also love things that are magical and glitter seems to just go hand and hand with all things fanciful.

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Our girls found three darling little angels tonight hanging from their play teepee and under them sat window cling snowflakes which fit seamlessly into the story and then also a large bag of flake glitter. We read about how the angels came and sang for the shepherds and how they filled the sky like snowflakes on a  cold winters night. I then went on to tell her that they had brought us a big bag of angel dust and that it is best when we throw it outside and we sing Christmas songs. So that is exactly what we did. We went outside and sang Jesus Loves me while we threw handfuls of glitter and pretended to be angels.

I am so thankful for tonight and the fun we are having leaning about Jesus and the sorry about his birth Once Upon a Nativity.

Very Merrily,

Ashleigh Harris